
Seplit ®CT-101-Katalysatorharz macht die chemische Katalyse umweltfreundlicher und effizienter

Green chemistry, also known as environmentally benign chemistry, environmentally friendly chemistry, or clean chemistry, is a green chemical process that aims to reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances and pollutants, and advocates the use of chemical technologies and methods to reduce or stop the use of raw materials, catalysts, solvents, etc., as well as the generation of products and by-products that are harmful to human health, social security and ecological environment.

How to better realize the "atomic economic reaction (that is, every atom of the raw material molecule can make the best use of everything)" and "circular economy" in the process of chemical reaction has become an important category and development direction of green chemistry research. Today, with the advocacy of ecological friendly and sustainable development of industry, many countries around the world have taken "green chemistry" as an important direction for the development of chemical industry in the new century.



In the field of chemical catalysis, sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is the catalyst for many organic synthesis reactions in acid system. Taking the common etherification reaction as an example, the traditional processes all use concentrated sulfuric acid as catalyst, which has serious equipment corrosion, many side reactions, difficult product separation, catalyst environmental pollution and other problems, bringing double pressure of cost and environmental protection to the production enterprises, which has become a prominent problem faced by the chemical production enterprises and needs to be solved urgently.



Etherification Catalytic Reaction

Sunresin , based on its deep understanding of the structure and properties of resin, combining the principle and characteristics of acid catalytic reaction, has developed a series of resin acid catalysts represented by Seplite ® CT-101, which can be used in different types of chemical acid catalytic reactions. Taking etherification as an example, because the introduction of resin acid catalyst replaces the use of traditional liquid inorganic acid, the catalytic activity, reaction conversion rate, product purity and other aspects are better; at the same time, the environmental protection problems caused by the use of hazardous chemical concentrated sulfuric acid are avoided. The change of catalyst not only reduces the cost of production, but also fundamentally relieves the pressure of environmental protection.

Advantages of Seplite ® CT-101  resin acid catalyst
(1) The unique design of multi-channel, high specific surface area structure features higher catalytic activity.
(2) It has good mechanical strength and physical and chemical stability, making it not easy to break, and has good durability.
(3) It is easy to separate from raw materials and products.
(4) It can be recycled periodically.

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Sunresin Park, Nr.135, Jinye Road, Xi'an High-Tech Industrieentwicklungszone, Shaanxi-71076, China
seplite@sunresin.com +86-29-89182091
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