
Anwendungsbereiche und Branchen der multimodalen Chromatographiemedien von Sunresin

Anwendungen der multimodalen Chromatographiemedien von Sunresin

1. Durchflussreinigung viraler Biologika,  B. inaktivierte Impfstoffe und abgeschwächte Impfstoffe, einschließlich Tollwut- und Grippeimpfstoffe usw. Seplife Suncore 700 und Seplife Suncore 400 können für Viruspartikel >700 KDa (ca. 30 nm) verwendet werden, während Seplife Suncore 400 für Viruspartikel >400 KDa verwendet wird.


2. Reinigung virusähnlicher Partikel (VLPs) im Durchflussmodus  VLP vaccine is also one of the important technologies for vaccine production. For example, hepatitis B vaccines adopt the VLP technology. The particles of VLP hepatitis B vaccine are about 22nm, which can be purified by Seplife Suncore 400 flow-through mode


3. Flow-through purification of viral vectors  Viral vectors such as adenovirus vectors and attenuated influenza virus vectors used to produce vector vaccines can be purified and polished using Seplife Suncore 700. For cell therapy and gene therapy, viral vectors such as lentivirus (LV), retrovirus (RV) can be purified with Seplife Suncore 700, and adeno-associated virus (AAV) can be purified with Seplife Suncore 400.


4. Flow-through purification of pDNA  The pDNA used for the production of nucleic acid drugs can be purified by the Seplife Suncore 700 flow-through mode. The pDNA flows through the outer water volume, while the RNA, HCP, endotoxin, etc. enter the core area through the gap of the shell layer, and are bound in the chromatography medium, thus achieving separation and purification.


5. Flow-through purification of exosomes  The exosomes secreted by cells are usually in the range of 30-150nm. When the clarified cell culture fluid passes through the Seplife Suncore 700 multimodal chromatography resins, the exosomes are excluded from the shell and flow through, while HCP, HCD and other impurities enter the core region through the gaps of the shell layer and get bounded on the chromatographic medium, thereby achieving separation and purification.


6. Flow-through purification of nanocarriers  With the development of technology, nanocarriers are also widely used in the development of gene therapy vectors and novel vaccines. Due to the relatively large particles, nanocarriers can also be purified by Seplife Suncore 400/700 in flow-through mode.

Sectors of interest for Sunresin’s Multimodal Chromatography Media

1. Human vaccines   In the production of human vaccines, Sunresin’s multimodal chromatography resins are usually combined with ion exchange chromatography such as Seplife Q Large Scale, or combined with gel filtration chromatography Seplife 4FF to complete the entire purification process.


2. Animal vaccines  Similar to human vaccines, with the difference of the fact that animal vaccines typically only require one-step multimodal chromatography to meet the purity requirements.


3. Cell and gene therapy  Cell and gene therapy, viral vectors, from initial pDNA preparation, pDNA purification to viral vector purification can all be purified and polished by Sunresin’s Core-Shell multimodal chromatography. At the same time, the nanocarriers in the non-viral vectors in the gene therapy can also be separated and purified using the same products.


4. Other sectors   For example, in the IVD industry, when exosomes are prepared, exosomes can be separated and purified by Sunresin’s Core-Shell multimodal chromatography.


chromatography resins in a large-scale production line for viral vaccines


(Hunderte Liter der multimodalen Chromatographieharze von Sunresin in einer groß angelegten Produktionslinie für Virusimpfstoffe.)

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